Home Doctoral Degree in Criminal Justice PhD in Criminal Justice Programs in Washington

PhD in Criminal Justice Programs in Washington

Maybe you are a current criminal justice professional and you’re ready to use your knowledge of Washington State to further contribute to this industry. Maybe you have advanced education in another field and you would like to apply that knowledge to the field of criminal justice. Whatever your private experience in education is, learning more about doctoral programs in criminal justice may help you make an informed decision.

The state of Washington has a growing need for high-level justice professionals. Find out how criminal justice PhD programs can help you by contacting schools on the list below.

What Can I Do With My PhD in Criminal Justice in Washington?

Throughout Washington, legislators and criminal justice agencies are working to improve areas in which the industry struggles. For example, police departments in Washington now receive 40 hours of crisis intervention training (HeraldNet, 2016). This training is meant to prepare officers to effectively communicate and work with mentally ill people without escalating a situation physically.

One of the largest justice agencies in the state is the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission. They promote high standards for justice professionals, with the ultimate goal of effectively protecting the lives, liberty, and property of Washington residents.

Expected job growth statistics vary across different career paths. Through 2030, demand for criminal justice professors may increase 20% in Washington (CareerOneStop, 2022). In this same timeframe, job openings for judges may expand 7% (CareerOneStop, 2022.

Salaries in Washington are fairly similar to national averages. The current average salary for a criminal justice professor is $64,760 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022). Judges bring in an average of $145,470 per year (BLS, 2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Washington contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

What Will It Take to Earn My Criminal Justice Graduate Degree in Washington?

Before committing to a PhD, criminal justice or criminology, ensure that you know exactly what local programs expect. First, you need a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited school. GPA requirements vary between programs, but few schools admit students with a GPA below 3.0. A GPA of 3.5 or older may substantially help your chances. You may also need to take the GRE and earn above-average scores before applying.

Most criminal justice programs in Washington do not require you to already have a Master’s degree, but having a Master’s degree in a relevant field may shorten your PhD by approximately two years. In total, you need to earn approximately 70 credits after your Bachelor’s degree to earn a PhD.

Many of your credits come from advanced courses in different areas of criminal justice. Commonly required courses are listed below:

  • Research Methods in Political Science and Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Processes and Institutions
  • Seminar in Criminological Theory
  • Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation
  • Seminar in Corrections
  • Prosecution and Adjudication
  • Advanced Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology
  • Leadership in Criminal Justice
  • Special Topics in Criminological Theory

Programs in Washington have teaching and research experience requirements. Working as a research assistant or teaching assistant may help you fulfill this expectation. If your long-term career goals lie in these areas, you may seek out additional opportunities to build your CV.

As you compare Washington schools, think about your research interests. Each school offers information on their professors and their areas of research. You should select a PhD advisor with research interests in line with your own.

If you are concerned about the financial side of education, look at your qualifications. Many PhD in criminology or criminal justice programs have funding options for promising students. Options may include partial tuition, full tuition, and a monthly stipend. In exchange, you may gain experience working part-time as a teaching assistant or research assistant.

Are you ready to change the future of criminal justice in Washington? Don’t wait any longer. Take the first step now and contact criminal justice doctorate programs for more information.