Home Doctoral Degree in Criminal Justice PhD in Criminal Justice Programs in South Carolina

PhD in Criminal Justice Programs in South Carolina

Regardless of which industry you work in, higher education almost always brings the potential of a higher income range, more prestigious career options, and additional leadership opportunities. With your career in criminal justice or a similar field, you may have developed some insight regarding the necessity for criminal justice reform and the proper ways to achieve it.

Ready to build on your undergraduate or graduate education in criminal justice? Contact South Carolina schools below to find out how you can start earning a PhD in criminal justice.

What Can I Do With My PhD in Criminal Justice in South Carolina?

Working in South Carolina could give you the chance to be part of exciting criminal justice developments, as successful change has already occurred in this state. South Carolina is being used as a model of reform for Florida (FAMM, 2016). In 2010, lawmakers cooperated to drop prison rates to the lowest they’ve been in decades, decrease recidivism rates, and save the state millions.

Your education may highlight areas of the system that need reform in South Carolina. Over-criminalization is a significant problem in South Carolina, according to many experts (Greenville Online, 2016). They claim that this is due to a rapid increase in the amount of laws and the overall incomprehensibility of those laws.

With a PhD, you may tackle job openings in various settings. CareerOneStop expects statewide need for criminal justice professors to increase 11% through 2030 (2022). The average salary in this specialty is $62,940 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022).

By 2030, job openings for South Carolina judges may increase 15% (CareerOneStop, 2022). Judges claim an average salary of $91,240 annually (BLS, 2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for South Carolina contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

What Will It Take to Earn My Criminal Justice Graduate Degree in South Carolina?

A PhD is the highest level of education in this field, providing graduates with a bird’s eye view of the criminal justice system, its areas of weakness, and opportunities for growth. The critical thinking skills you develop may be applicable across different fields and work settings. In total, a doctoral degree in criminal justice involves completing about 90 credits beyond your Bachelor’s degree.

Some of the topics you may explore as a PhD candidate include criminological theory, criminal sentencing, victimization and victimology, and criminal justice program evaluation. The courses listed below are commonly required at this level of education:

  • Advanced Quantitative Analysis
  • Crime, Law, and Public Policy
  • Advanced Criminological Theory
  • Applied Quantitative Analysis
  • Criminal Justice Research Design
  • Policy Practices and Problems
  • Correctional Policy
  • Prevention and Treatment of Delinquency
  • Perspectives on Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Special Topics in Criminal Justice

Depending on the school you choose, you may find that you are required to complete an internship before you are allowed to begin your dissertation. Due to the flexibility of this degree, you may complete your internship at a criminal justice agency, legislative agency, or in a legal setting. Criminal justice PhD programs generally aim to meet the needs of as many students as possible, so you may be able to adapt your internship opportunities to your specific career goals.

Your dissertation is the crux of your PhD. This massive piece of research should explore a topic that is of particular professional interest to you, as you may use your dissertation in your job search and to find relevant networking contacts.

Securing funding as a doctoral student is, as a general rule, much easier than it is for graduate students. Professors often count on PhD students to teach undergraduate courses, play a significant role in ongoing research, and strengthen the image of the institution. If you qualify for an assistantship, you may work up to 20 hours per week in exchange for a modest monthly stipend and free or reduced tuition.

You may become a leader in your local criminal justice community by taking your education to the next level. Take the first step now by contacting criminal justice doctoral programs.