Home Master's Degree Programs in Criminal Justice Master’s in Criminal Justice Programs in New Mexico

Master’s in Criminal Justice Programs in New Mexico

Within the state of New Mexico, criminal justice issues and movements often focus on the largest cities and protecting the state’s borders, as New Mexico shares a border with Mexico. Earning a graduate degree in criminal justice in this state helps you think critically about different laws and programs in New Mexico and their efficacy.

What Can I Do With My Master’s in Criminal Justice in New Mexico?

Education is one of best ways to change up your career options. Check out our list of schools below to learn more about earning a Master of Science in criminal justice in New Mexico.

In response to a long streak of high-profile crimes, legislators in New Mexico moved to begin reforming the criminal justice system (Las Cruces Sun-News, 2015). Since many of these crimes were attributed to repeat offenders, repeat offenders are the main focus of the current legislative session.

Many experts caution against overreacting to crime sprees and passing bills that will negatively impact the general population (KOAT 7, 2015). They note the importance of improving access to mental health for offenders.

Advanced study in the field of criminal justice can help you develop insights related to different work settings and criminal justice issues. This background is extremely helpful in a range of positions. Private detectives claim an average salary of $51,090 per year in New Mexico (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022), and statewide demand is expected to increase 20% through 2030 (CareerOneStop, 2022). In this same time period, CareerOneStop anticipates the creation of 60 probation officer jobs per year in New Mexico (2022). The average salary for a probation officer is $49,450 per year (BLS, 2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for New Mexico contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

What Will It Take to Earn My Criminal Justice Graduate Degree in New Mexico?

You should anticipate spending about two years in a master’s in criminal justice in New Mexico. Over this time period, you may be expected to earn between 30 and 40 credits.

You may meet many of your program expectations in courses like those listed here:

  • Research Methods in Criminal Justice: This course is often required because research is a huge part of reform and legislation in this field; you may learn how to design, analyze, and use research in this industry.
  • Criminal Justice Statistics: The focus of this class is teaching you how to properly interpret social science statistics and understand how to use them in policy and procedure decisions.
  • Advanced Criminal Justice Administrative Systems: Schools in New Mexico hope to create effective leaders, and the goal of this class is to give you background in the administrative systems used in criminal justice agencies.
  • Criminal Justice Policy Analysis: Completing this course should teach you how to look fairly and critically at existing policies to determine their effectiveness.
  • Nature of Crime: This class provides an overview of the nature of crime and its effects.
  • Criminological Theory: With a heavy focus on theory and research, this class examines the mindset and motivations of those who commit crime, especially those who are habitual offenders.
  • Race, Crime, and Justice: This course emphasizes the impact of race on the administration of criminal justice and how to avoid prejudiced decisions on the job.
  • Law & Social Control: Throughout this course, you study the role of laws and policies and social behavior and social norms.

Devoting some time to the financial aid application process can help you save a considerable amount of money on your education. Look into programs offered by local groups like New Mexico COPS.

A master’s degree in criminal justice in New Mexico is a crucial part of understanding your state and federal justice systems. Reach out to schools near you to discuss your options.