Home Certificate in Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Certification in Washington

Criminal Justice Certification in Washington

Why Should I Get a Criminal Justice Certificate in Washington?

Criminal justice is one of the cornerstones of American society. In addition to federal law that governs the rule of the entire country, each state has its own criminal justice system that addresses the unique needs of its residents and victims.
In the state of Washington, you may get started in this industry by earning a criminal justice degree or certificate. One of the biggest priorities in the state is accountability, which is clear when you look at pending legislation that addresses the use of deadly force by police officers (Seattle Times, 2016).

As its industry changes, local justice agencies have an even greater need for highly trained police officers, corrections officers, and other professionals.

Keep reading to find out more about Washington criminal justice programs.

Find out how you can earn a criminal justice certificate by requesting information from schools near you.

What Kind of Criminal Justice Certificates are Available in Washington?

One of the first decisions you have to make is whether you plan on earning your degree online or in person. Most certificate programs are designed to be completed in person, but some schools permit students to finish a criminal justice certificate online. Blended programs require some in-person attendance but still use online methods most of the time.

Corrections Officer Technical Certificate Requirements (45 credits)

  • Introduction to Corrections
    • Find out what responsibilities you may have as a correctional officer and how this specialty works with other areas of criminal justice.
  • Criminal Law
    • This course offers a primer on criminal law, focusing on the rights and responsibilities of currently incarcerated prisoners.
  • Criminal Justice Report Writing
    • Learn about the reports you must write as a corrections officer and what other types of documentation you may need to complete on a daily basis.
  • Laws of Arrest, Search, and Seizure
    • Students in this class are introduced to arrest, search, and seizure processes, which ensures that they know how to work within the law while processing prisoners.

Law Enforcement Technical Certificate Requirements (26 credits)

  • Criminal Investigation
    • Explore the foundations of criminal investigation and learn how to properly collect and process evidence.
  • Juvenile Justice Procedures
    • Compare juvenile Justice and adult criminal justice. This course covers the procedures used to arrest and detain juvenile offenders.
  • Crisis Intervention
    • Develop techniques for intervening in a crisis, de-escalating a situation, and minimizing the need for force.
  • Criminal Justice Administration
    • Explore leadership roles in criminal justice and who is accountable for what happens in law enforcement situations.

Paralegal Technical Certificate Requirements (30 credits)

  • Legal Theory and Reasoning
    • Briefly study the basics of legal theory and the reasoning used in court cases.
  • Litigation Basics
    • When you finish this class, you should understand how the processes of civil litigation and criminal litigation work in the state of Washington.
  • Fundamentals of Legal Research and Writing
    • Although this class covers the theory of legal research and writing, it focuses largely on practice and strengthening your writing skills.
  • Business Law
    • Students in this course dive into the field of business law and learn about the most common legal business issues in Washington.

What Can I Do With a Criminal Justice Certificate in Washington?

Now that it’s time for you to start working, you can look for job openings that are in line with your certificate and your practical experience. If you become a corrections officer, you may work a variety of first, second, and third shifts at a jail or prison. Each year, correctional officers earn an average of $63,580 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022). Job openings for correctional officers may increase 4% through 2030 (CareerOneStop, 2022). Police officers may see an 8% boost in job openings in the same time period (CareerOneStop, 2022). The average annual salary for a Washington police officer is $92,250 (BLS, 2022). Paralegals play an important role in local law firms and legal assistance agencies. In Washington, their average salary is $72,590 per year (BLS, 2022). CareerOneStop expects job openings to jump 14% through 2030 (2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Washington contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

With the list of criminal justice certificate programs below, its easy to find programs that interest you.

The next step is to review schools and get in touch with them for more information.

Online programs may not be available in all areas