Home Certificate in Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Certification in New Jersey

Criminal Justice Certification in New Jersey

As the entire country undergoes significant political changes, the field of criminal justice is under intense scrutiny. Many states are pushing ahead with reform plans that aim to increase fairness, shrink prison populations, and reduce recidivism.

In New Jersey, one area of priority is conviction integrity. Criminal justice experts are encouraging legislators to create a Conviction Integrity Unit that would ensure that false convictions are overturned and expunged (Department of Law and Public Safety, 2018).

If you’ve been waiting for the right time to start a career in criminal justice, don’t wait any longer.

Reach out to criminal justice programs in New Jersey to learn more.

What Kind of Criminal Justice Certificates are Available in New Jersey?

If you have a high school diploma or GED, you may qualify for acceptance to a certificate program. These programs are designed to be completed in less than two years, and many programs are shorter than one year in duration.

Rather than focusing on general education, you get right into the courses that you need to become a skilled criminal justice professional.

Emergency and Disaster Management Certificate Requirements (15 credits)

    • Criminal Justice Leadership

Find out what it takes to become an effective leader in this industry and keep agencies running efficiently.

    • Influence and Decision Making for Emergency Operations

This class covers decision-making skills that can help emergency managers quickly and appropriately navigate situations.

    • Crisis Communication for Emergency Response Personnel

Learn how to maintain the lines of communication between medical, public safety, and other emergency personnel.

    • Security Studies

This course looks at the role of security and emergency management and how directors can prevent further damage to communities in the wake of an emergency.


Private Security Technical Certificate Requirements (15 credits)

    • Security Management and Loss Control

Learn the foundations of an effective security system and techniques for minimizing loss in stores and homes.

    • Legal Aspects of Security

Students in this class learn how to work within the law as a security officer and avoid unintentionally overstepping legal boundaries.

    • Criminal Investigation

Find out how to respond if a crime occurs on your watch and how the field of criminal investigation steps in.

    • Criminal Law

Get a broad introduction to criminology and which laws are commonly broken in security settings.


Paralegal Technical Certificate Requirements (40 credits)

    • Legal Ethics

Students in this class discover the ethical boundaries of paralegal practice and learn how to work ethically in every situation.

    • Paralegals and Legal Procedure

Delve into New Jersey legal procedures and find out what your role is as a paralegal.

    • Computer Assisted Legal Research

Legal research is important in any paralegal career, and this class may show you how to save time and conduct research using online legal journals and resources.

    • Legal Accounting

In this class, find out how to maintain proper accounting records, collect payments, and handle overdue client balances.


What Can I Do With a Criminal Justice Certificate in New Jersey?

If you get practical experience while earning your certificate in criminal justice, you may already have a good idea of the job titles and work settings available to you.

For example, if you become a paralegal, you may work for a legal assistance agency or a private law firm. Statewide, the average salary for paralegals is $65,570 annually (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022). Through the year 2030, CareerOneStop expects a 14% increase in job openings (2022).

Emergency management directors may work a set schedule to create and maintain emergency plans, but they still must work long or unexpected hours when emergency situations arise. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, emergency management directors earn an average of $106,360 per year (2022). Demand in this field is expected to increase 6% through 2030 (CareerOneStop, 2022).

Security guards may work to protect homes, retail stores and restaurants, and businesses. CareerOneStop hopes to see a 9% jump in job openings through 2030 (2022). The average annual salary for a New Jersey security guard is $37,870 (BLS, 2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for New Jersey contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

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