Home Certificate in Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Certification in Connecticut

Criminal Justice Certification in Connecticut

Why Should I Get a Criminal Justice Certificate in Connecticut?

With the wide variety of career paths available in the field of criminal justice, getting the right training is an essential part of your success. Completing a short-term training program that focuses exclusively on the skills and knowledge you need is an excellent way to make the most of your time in school.

Connecticut is a great example of a state that uses research to change criminal justice laws, procedures, and penalties. New criminal justice laws were put in place in 2016 (The Westerly Sun, 2016). These laws ramped up DUI penalties, added restrictions to firearm possession for those who fit certain requirements, and minimized penalties for non-violent crime.

With a certificate in criminal justice, you can prepare for the career paths that interest you.

Explore certificate programs in Connecticut and contact schools near you.

What Kind of Criminal Justice Certificates are Available in Connecticut?

In Connecticut, the majority of certificate programs are technical in nature. This means that they do not require prior postsecondary study.

While you can still attend a certificate program with an Associate’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree, no degree is necessary.

There are a few options that are intended for students who already possess Master’s degrees. Post-Master’s certificates give you the chance to develop highly specialized skills without spending three or more additional years in school.

Corrections Technical Certificate Requirements 27 credits

  • Introduction to Corrections
    • Get an overview of the correctional system in Connecticut, what process suspects go through when booked in, and how staff members keep themselves and inmates safe.
  • Police and the Community
    • This course looks at the role of police officers in the communities they serve. It also explores methods that police officers can use to increase community trust and minimize dislike of police.
  • Interviewing and Interrogation
    • Learn about the techniques used during suspect interviews and interrogations. This course covers ethical boundaries and what Connecticut law allows during the interviewing process.
  • Criminology
    • The information provided in this course may help you better understand the inmates and prisoners you work with as a correctional officer. This class looks into the causes of crime, socioeconomic factors that contribute to crime rates, and the motivation behind crime.

Criminal Investigation Technical Certificate Requirements 30 credits

  • Criminal Investigation
    • Instructors provide an overview of the field of criminal investigation, its goals, and the processes used to achieve these goals.
  • Criminal Law
    • Delve into Connecticut criminal law and how it structures the work you may do as a criminal investigator. This course includes information on how suspects are apprehended and treated while incarcerated.
  • Evidence and Criminal Procedure
    • In this class, you can learn about the procedures used when a suspect is detained. Evidence collection, storage, and analysis methods are also covered.
  • Arson Investigation
    • Find out how criminal investigators explore arson cases, determine cause, and track down suspects.
  • Computer Investigation Techniques
    • This class looks at the field of digital forensic science and how digital evidence can be used in criminal cases.

Paralegal Technical Certificate Requirements 23 credits

  • Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibilities
    • In this class, you can learn about the professional ethics that bind you as a paralegal and determine what you may or may not do in your scope of duties.
  • Computer Applications in Law
    • Get updated information on the programs used in law offices and learn how to effectively navigate commonly used apps.
  • Legal Research and Writing
    • Build a basic understanding of legal research, preparation of legal reports, and preparation of legal documents.
  • Litigation
    • This course outlines a paralegal’s responsibilities in litigation, including what you do to assist your supervising lawyer and how you prepare for court dates.

Judicial Reporting Technical Certificate Requirements 70 credits

  • Court Reporting: Jury Charge
    • Court reporting students learn how to record and document jury instructions given by the presiding judge.
  • Court Reporting: Question/Answer
    • This course delves into transcribing the question and answer portion of court cases.
  • Court Reporting: Literary
    • Students in this course apply their knowledge of judicial reporting methods to convey the narrative of each person in a court case.
  • Judicial Procedures for Court Reporting
    • By the end of this course, students should know how to conduct themselves in a courtroom and follow strict courtroom reporting standards.

What Can I Do With a Criminal Justice Certificate in Connecticut?

Depending on which area of specialty you select, you may use your criminal justice certification in a variety of ways.

If you go into judicial or court reporting, you may become employed by a government agency and maintain thorough records of court happenings. Court reporters in Connecticut earn an average of $58,370 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022). Through 2030, job openings for court reporters may increase 4% (CareerOneStop, 2022).

With training in legal assisting, you may go on to become a paralegal. Paralegals often file court documents, conduct initial legal research, prepare and maintain files for lawyers, and communicate with clients as needed. Job openings may swell 14% through 2030 (CareerOneStop, 2022). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an average salary of $67,310 per year for Connecticut paralegals (2022).

You may consider police department openings if you get training in criminal investigation or law enforcement. Your daily tasks depend on the needs of your community, although you may investigate calls, do traffic stops, and follow up with in-progress cases. Demand for police officers may see a 10% boost through 2030 (CareerOneStop, 2022). Police officers claim an average annual salary of $77,280 (BLS, 2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Connecticut contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

Ready to make your mark in the world of criminal justice?

Find out how you can earn a criminal justice degree in Connecticut by contacting schools below.

Online programs may not be available in all areas