Home Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice Programs in Ohio

Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice Programs in Ohio

As a citizen of Ohio, you likely know how important safety is in this state’s communities. With your career choice, you can work to keep Ohio even safer while helping criminals get the rehabilitation they need to become productive members of society. If you want to work for a better Ohio, contact the schools below to learn more about bachelor’s in criminal justice programs in Ohio.

Studying this field may give you the chance to make a difference in more than one way. For example, a major issue in Ohio right now is mental health in prisons. More than 20% of Ohio’s inmates have been diagnosed with mental illness, and it has been difficult for the criminal justice field to address these needs. An undergraduate education may give you the skills you need to tackle this problem.

When you study this field, you may even be able to take on an active role in the community. Throughout the state of Ohio, police departments have received grants to ramp up enforcement for speeding, DUIs, and other common traffic problems.

Earning Your Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice in Ohio

While you work toward a bachelor’s degree in Ohio, you should take classes that give you experience in a range of criminal justice areas. You can get the core information you need from courses like Research Methodology, Statistics for Social Sciences, Criminology, and Victimology. However, as you work through your curriculum, you may encounter classes like Police in Modern Society, Community Supervision, Prosecution and Adjudication, Criminal Justice Administration, and Juvenile Delinquency.

Not only do these courses build your knowledge base and criminal justice, they also help you plan your career. In fact, many schools in Ohio require students to complete an internship or practicum prior to graduation. By paying careful attention during your courses, you can figure out what areas of criminal justice interest you and choose your internship accordingly. You should plan on spending an entire semester on your internship, since many schools require you to spend at least three hours per week at your internship site.

After you get accepted to a criminal justice program, you may want to start looking into scholarships and grants that are available at your school and across Ohio. Applying for grants every year can give you a better chance of getting your school paid for and avoiding student loans. You may look into joining an honors program, which allows you to apply for exclusive scholarships and get access to prestigious internships and practicums.

Working With Your Criminal Justice Degree in Ohio

In the state of Ohio, the job outlook is generally good for criminal justice graduates. Bailiffs, who work in a courtroom setting, can expect to see relatively steady job openings through the year 2030 (CareerOneStop, 2022). Forensic science technicians may experience an 11% increase in job openings during this time (CareerOneStop, 2022).

On average, bailiffs in Ohio earn an average salary of $47,940 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022). The average income for a forensic science technician is $73,630 per year (BLS, 2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Ohio contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

Find out more about the opportunities available in this field today by contacting criminal justice programs in Ohio.