Home Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice Bachelor's in Criminal Justice in Maryland

Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice in Maryland

Safety, justice, and order are three of the most important components of a successful community. As a criminal justice professional, you can help create a community that is both safe and enjoyable to live in. Whether you want to patrol the streets, keep correctional facilities safe, or puzzle out crimes, you can start your education with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.

Contact the schools listed on our site that offer bachelor’s degrees in criminal justice in Maryland to learn more about your options for study in this field.

Maryland is known for its strong evidence-based criminal justice system, giving you the opportunity to work in a research based environment. Maryland legislators recently moved to give ex-felons a second chance at getting their lives in order, minimizing prison populations and enriching society as a whole.

Cities across Maryland rely on the strength of their police forces to maintain order. In Baltimore, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake indicated that the police’s strong coverage schedule could help quell violent crime within the city, and recent events have brought the city’s criminal justice system to the forefront of national news.

Completing your bachelor’s degree in criminal justice now may give you valuable technological skills that are in demand in many criminal justice careers. Crime agencies across the state use Facebook and other types of social media to get leads and tips on major cases, making technology extremely relevant to this field.

Criminal Justice Bachelor’s Programs in Maryland

Earning a bachelor’s degree in criminology or another similar field of study can give you valuable knowledge into many types of criminal justice, providing you the freedom to choose from a number of career paths. You should become familiar with the learning outcomes of your program to ensure you’re getting as much as possible from your education. Schools often hope to create competence in criminology and other criminal justice areas, teaching students about inferential and descriptive statistics, and informing students on social science research methods.

To meet these extensive learning goals, you may take a thorough curriculum of courses. Courses that are often required include Criminal Law in Action, Criminology, Concepts of Law Enforcement Administration, Law of Criminal Investigation, Drugs and Crime, and Delinquency Prevention.

As a Maryland student, you may be able to apply for many different scholarships and grants to make your education more affordable. The Maryland Higher Education Commission funds several programs, including those intended for students who have served in the military. Other programs, like the Regents Scholars Program, are school-specific.

Criminal Justice Careers in Maryland

You may get the chance to explore several career options as a criminal justice graduate. Policing, a field which expects a 15% increase in demand through 2030, is a popular choice (CareerOneStop, 2022). The average salary for a Maryland police officer is $73,350 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022).

Corrections is another major area of criminal justice. CareerOneStop hopes to see more than 550 new jobs per year through 2030. Correctional officers claim an average salary of $54,450 per year (BLS, 2022).

Detectives and criminal investigators play an important role in solving Maryland crimes. Currently, there are about 890 criminal investigators in Maryland (BLS, 2022). The average salary in this field is $117,800 per year (BLS, 2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Maryland contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

Ready to get started in the field of criminal justice? Contact criminal justice programs in Maryland to learn more!