Home Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice Bachelor's in Criminal Justice in Colorado

Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice in Colorado

Whether you live in a small community or a large city of Colorado, you know how important safety is. From criminals at large to those who will be behind bars for the rest of their lives, Colorado citizens want to know that they will be protected from society’s most dangerous members. By completing a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, you can contribute to the strength of Colorado’s communities. Submit your requests for information to the schools listed below to get started.

If you’re looking for a career that allows you to be physically active, interact with community members on a daily basis, and use your analytical skills to solve crimes, criminal justice may be the field for you. A recent Colorado crime spree left investigators with the task of figuring out the crime pattern taking over a community. With this information, police officers were able to take down the suspect and make an arrest.

A recent case in Colorado made headlines all over the country and highlighted the importance of criminal justice professionals that have a thorough understanding of the law. When a Colorado woman cut a baby out of a woman she met on Craigslist, there was much debate as to her charges. Those with extensive experience in this field can settle these debates promptly and accurately.

With an analytical mind and an interest in the safety of your fellow citizens, you could be a great fit for a criminal justice program in Colorado. Contact the school on our site to curriculum information, along with all the materials you need to compare programs and chose the one that works best for you.

Most bachelor’s degree programs in criminal justice are designed to be completed in about four years. During these four years, you may complete practicum courses, learn how to use advanced technology in the criminal justice industry, and investigate the theory of this industry. To meet these requirements, you may take courses like Corrections Procedures, Overview of Criminal Justice, Statistics in Criminal Justice, Courts & Judicial Process, and Criminology.

If you have the opportunity, you should complete a practical work experience as part of your degree. A semester-long internship can be the perfect way to put your theoretical knowledge to work, start developing connections in your local justice industry, and find out what career options may appeal to you after graduation.

You may also want to consider concentrating on one area of study as a criminal justice student. This can be particularly helpful if you have strong, focused career goals. Options in Colorado may include corrections, policing, cyber-crime, or crime against children.

Take the time to look into financial aid options in Colorado. Doing so may help you save a substantial amount of money on your education. Scholarships like the Walt Francis Award are available on a school-specific basic. The Colorado Criminal Justice Association is another local scholarship resource.

Job Outlook for Colorado Criminal Justice Graduates

With a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, you may be able to explore several different career paths. CareerOneStop reports an anticipated 13% increase in bailiff jobs through 2030 and a predicted 16% increase for patrol officers. The demand for correctional officers may increase 1% in that same timeframe (CareerOneStop, 2022).

Generally speaking, salaries in Colorado are slightly higher than the national average. Bailiffs earn an average salary of $61,850 per year and patrol officers report an average income of $80,990 annually (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Colorado contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

Now may be the time to take the next step in your career. Contact bachelor’s degree programs in Colorado to take the first step.