Home Scholarships for Criminal Justice Majors and Grad Students

Scholarships for Criminal Justice Majors and Grad Students

Going to college can be expensive. Getting financial aid can help relieve the financial burden of a criminal justice degree. With financial help, many people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to go to college get a chance to do so.

Many students rely only on student loans to pay for college. But don’t overlook scholarships, grants, and fellowships, which are especially attractive because they don’t have to be repaid. Finding financial assistance can be challenging and time consuming. It’s smart to begin your efforts early. Look for potential resources and, when you find one, mark the due date on a calendar. Then figure out when you need to begin work on each item. Read on to learn about strategies for securing scholarships, grants, and fellowships to help pay for your criminal justice degree.

Scholarships for Criminal Justice Students

Search by category and/or location to find the scholarship that syncs with your education goals. Here, we reveal over 80 scholarships within the criminal justice field!


Scholarship Deadline
Ritchie-Jennings Memorial ScholarshipJan 30
Target Audience Undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in a career in fraud examination, or similar criminal justice professions, worldwide. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $1,000-$10,000 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? No # of Awards: 4 GPA: N/A Renewable? No Provided By: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
ACJA/LAE National Student Paper CompetitionDec 31
Target Audience Undergraduate or graduate students who are members of the American Criminal Justice Association – Lambda Alpha Epsilon. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $100 – $200 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 3 GPA: N/A Renewable? Yes Provided By: American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Steve Van Dyke Memorial ScholarshipJune 1
Target Audience High school senior or college students that are dependent children of current, full-time commissioned law enforcement officers. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $2,000 Degree Level: High School Senior & Undergraduate Essay Required? N/A # of Awards: 1 GPA: N/A Renewable? No Provided By: United States Deputy Sheriff’s Association
ACJA/LAE National ScholarshipDec 31
Target Audience Members in good-standing, both at the time of submission and award, of the American Criminal Justice Association – Lambda Alpha Epsilon, who are enrolled in a recognized undergraduate or graduate course of study in the criminal justice field. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $100 – $400 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 3 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: American Criminal Justice Assoc. Lambda Alpha Epsilon
ASCLD Scholarship ProgramFeb 15
Target Audience Junior and senior year Bachelor’s degree undergraduates, Master’s and Doctorate graduate students, attending an accredited university, who plan to enter the forensic profession, and are working toward a degree in forensic science, forensic chemistry, physical science, or natural science. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
Ed Rhodes ScholarshipApr 30
Target Audience A high school, undergraduate, or graduate student, endorsed by a current member of the American Board of Criminalistics, who take an examination for a certificate in comprehensive criminalistics. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: High School , Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: American Board of Criminalistics
The George W. Chin Memorial ScholarshipApr 30
Target Audience Junior and senior year undergraduate students, graduate students in the first two years toward a PhD, who are currently enrolled in a forensic science program. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2000 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists
George W. Neighbor Jr. Memorial ScholarshipApr 30
Target Audience Junior and senior year undergraduate students, graduate students in the first two years toward a PhD, who are currently enrolled in a forensic science program. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1750 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 2 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists
George H Robinson Memorial ScholarshipAugust
Target Audience Full-time undergraduate students, in or after their sophomore year, and full and part-time graduate students enrolled in a forensic science or criminal justice program. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: Chesapeake Bay Division of the International Association for Identification
AFTE Scholarship ProgramApr 1
Target Audience Graduate and undergraduate students enrolled half-time or more, who major in a natural, physical, or biological science, and plan on a career in forensic science. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2000 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 43469 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: The Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners
NJAFS Forensic Sciences ScholarshipOct 31
Target Audience Undergraduate junior or seniors, and graduate students enrolled in biology, chemistry, natural and forensic science courses, who plan for a career in forensic science. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: New Jersey Association of Forensic Scientists
Kush Arora Federal Criminal Justice Reform ScholarshipDec 15
Target Audience Incoming college freshman, undergraduates, graduates, and law school students, enrolled in an accredited school in the U.S., with a 3.0 GPA, who show an interest in criminal justice reform. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 500 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: Maryland Criminal Lawyers
The McGaughey Family ScholarshipJuly 31
Target Audience Graduate and undergraduate students who major in fields related to alliance building, counterintelligence, cultural understanding, in preparation for U.S. counterintelligence and national security careers, with encouragement to those employed in those fields, and their children. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: The Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc
Army Staff Sgt. Richard S. Eaton Jr. ScholarshipJan 31
Target Audience Graduate and undergraduate students who pursue study in fields related to alliance building, counterintelligence, cultural understanding, and U.S. national security. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: The Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc
(ISC)² Women’s Cybersecurity ScholarshipsJan 15
Target Audience High school seniors, undergraduate, graduate or post graduate students, with 3.0 GPA, who plan, or are in a full or part-time, online or on campus, degree program, focused on cybersecurity, or information assurance. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $1,000 – $6,000 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 10 GPA: 3.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: Center for Cyber Safety and Education


Scholarship Deadline
Lionel J. Neiman ScholarshipMar 1
Target Audience Students who are pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in criminology, or criminal justice, who also plan to complete a criminal justice internship. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? No # of Awards: Varies GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? No Provided by: Ball State University
The Melissa Linville Criminal Justice ScholarshipAug 1
Target Audience High school seniors, recent high school graduates, or college undergraduates enrolled in post-secondary programs to study criminal justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $500 Degree Level: Undergraduate & HS Senior Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? No Provided By: Crimcheck
Captain Jim Unterwagner ScholarshipMar 1
Target Audience Students at Slippery Rock University, who major in criminology and security, social work, or programs with sociology and anthropology emphasis, have completed 64 credits at the time of application, demonstrate academic achievement, and financial need. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 500 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 3 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Slippery Rock University
Christopher W. Keyser ScholarshipJuly 31
Target Audience Undergraduate students enrolled in a four-year college or university program in the U.S., who major in Criminal Justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1500 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Keyser Law, P.A.
Drinko Criminal Justice ScholarshipMay 1
Target Audience Students enrolled full-time in Keystone College’s associates, or Bachelor’s, criminal justice degree program. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $1,000-$4,000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? N # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? Y Provided By: Keystone College
Wade H. Stroud, Jr. Law Enforcement ScholarshipMar 15
Target Audience Undergraduate students of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, who study criminal justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? N # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Law Enforcement Memorial ScholarshipMar 15
Target Audience Undergraduate students of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, who study law enforcement. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? N # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Gary Boccia Memorial ScholarshipApr 30
Target Audience Undergraduate students with a major in forensic science, who currently participate in, or have completed, an internship with an accredited forensic science laboratory. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 500 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: Varies GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Floyd E. McDonald ScholarshipApr 1
Target Audience Undergraduate students who major in chemistry, biology or natural science, and plan for a career in forensic science. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists
J. Edgar Hoover Scientific ScholarshipApr 6
Target Audience Undergraduate students who are interested in a career in forensic science, and law enforcement. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 25000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: J. Edgar Hoover Foundation
Johnson-Whyte Memorial Foundation FundMay 1
Target Audience Undergraduate junior or senior students, enrolled full-time at an accredited college or university, with GPA 3.0 or higher, who major in a field related to forensic identification. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 2 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: The International Association for Identification
WIFLE Scholarship ProgramMay 1
Target Audience Full-time, undergraduate students, attending a four-year, accredited college or university, who major in criminal social sciences, public administration, computer science, finance, linguistic arts, chemistry, physics, or other related disciplines. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2500 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: Women in Federal Law Enforcement
Thurgood Marshall NABCJ Scholarship AwardMar 31
Target Audience Students accepted in a criminal justice undergraduate college program, or closely related criminal justice field, who demonstrate past educational accomplishment, “B” average grade point, and documented financial need. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
War Veterans ScholarshipNov 15
Target Audience U.S. sophomore or junior students enrolled or attending an accredited school, who served in Afghanistan or Iraq, major in C41-related fields, e.g. information technology, communications, and electronics, for defense, homeland security and intelligence, an Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2500 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association
Diane M. DiPonio Memorial ScholarshipFeb 28
Target Audience Undergraduate students with 3.0 GPA, who completed 2 years of study, entering their 3rd year, with serious interest in a law enforcement career on the local, state or federal levels. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: Varies GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: Michigan State University – School of Criminal Justice
Gary D. Harl Memorial ScholarshipMar 8
Target Audience Junior or senior undergraduate students, with 3.0 GPA, who carry 9 hours in criminal justice, plan to be, or are police officers working on patrol, with preference to those active in community service programs, in departmental, university, student organiz Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: University of Texas Arlington
Wallin & Klarich ScholarshipJuly 31
Target Audience Full-time, freshmen, university students, with 3.0 high school GPA, who attend an accredited college or university in America, plan to major in criminal justice, political science, or sociology, and must not be related to current, past, employee or contrator of Wallin & Klarich, ALC. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2500 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Wallin & Klarich


Scholarship Deadline
Ellis R. Kerley Forensic Sciences Foundation ScholarshipApr 30
Target Audience Graduate students studying forensic anthropology, who are continuing their education and research. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: Graduate Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 1 GPA: N/A Renewable? No Provided By: s R. Kerley Forensic Sciences Foundation
ASTEE ScholarshipFeb 15
Target Audience Graduate students who major in forensic science and plan for a career in the trace evidence field. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $500 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 1 GPA: N/A Renewable? No Sponsored by: American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners
Life’s Choices Foundation Graduate ScholarshipJune 1
Target Audience Graduate students serving in the U.S. intelligence community, their children or grandchildren, who focus on national security, or intelligence studies, and plan to serve in U.S. government. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 3500 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 2 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Association of Former Intelligence Officers
Al Ponte Graduate Scholarship AwardJune 1
Target Audience Students who plan to attend graduate school, and graduate students who focus on studies in homeland security, international relations, or intelligence. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Association of Former Intelligence Officers
Congressional Fellowship on Women and Public PolicyJune 3
Target Audience Graduate students who are enrolled in, or have completed a program within the past two years, completed nine hours of graduate coursework, with serious interest in research and policymaking on issues that affect women and their families. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 3400 Degree Level: Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Women’s Congressional Policy Institute


Scholarship Deadline
Amanda Haworth Perseverance ScholarshipMay 1
Target Audience Female high school seniors or full-time college students, who are daughters of sworn law enforcement officers working within in Miami-Dade County FL, with GPA 2.5 or higher. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $1000 Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.0+ Renewable? No Provided By: TPolice Officer Assistance Trust
Women in Law Enforcement ScholarshipFeb 1
Target Audience Washington state undergraduate students who major in law and justice, with 2.5 GPA, and are eligible for a career in law enforcement, with preference to female, minority, or underrepresented, Washington state high school graduates. Scholarship Details Award Amount: TBD Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: Varies GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? No Provided By: Central Washington University
Lieutenant June T. Murphy ScholarshipMay 1
Target Audience High school senior women, living in MA, with 2.5 GPA, eligible to receive federal student aid, accepted at an accredited college, university, or post-secondary full-time program (minimum of two years) with a major in criminal justice, who plan to become law enforcement officers or work in the criminal justice field. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: Massachusetts Association of Women in Law Enforcement
Minnesota Association of Women Police Memorial ScholarshipsMar 1
Target Audience Undergraduate women, within 12 months of completion of a Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) approved, law enforcement program at time of application, for a career in law enforcement. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 450 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 2 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Minnesota Association of Women Police
National Organization of Black Women in Law Enforcement ScholarshipsN/A
Target Audience Minority, high school senior women, with 3.0 GPA, who have applied to 1, or more, accredited colleges or universities. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? N/A # of Awards: Varies GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: National Organization of Black Women in Law Enforcement
LEO ScholarshipJune 30
Target Audience Women, and students or color, with financial need, accepted into or attending a Minnesota post-secondary school, who plan to attend the upcoming Fall term in a law enforcement, criminal justice, or corrections course of study, and are also interested in a law enforcement, criminal justice, or corrections career within the State of Minnesota. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Law Enforcement Opportunities
Horizons ScholarshipMay 12
Target Audience U.S. junior undergraduate, and graduate students enrolled full or part- time, at accredited university or colleges, with 3.25 GPA, who demonstrate financial need and plan to pursue a career in national security or defense. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 3750 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: Varies GPA: 3.25+ Renewable? N Provided By: Women In Defense
Maria I. Ramirez Memorial ScholarshipApr 30
Target Audience Working women, enrolled full-time in a Bachelor’s degree program, with 2.5 GPA, who aspire for a career in criminal justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1600 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: John Jay College (CUNY system)


Scholarship Deadline
American Chemical Society Scholars ProgramMar 1
Target Audience African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian students, who major, or plan to major in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, chemical technology, or other chemistry-related science, and in addition, plan to pursue a professional career in a chemistry-related science. Scholarship Details Award Amount: @2,500 – $5,000 Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? No # of Awards: Varies GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? Yes Provided By: American Chemistry Society
Out to Protect ScholarshipMay 31
Target Audience Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgender students, enrolled in basic law enforcement training programs, law enforcement academies, corrections academies, or 9-1-1 dispatcher academies, who plan for a career in laws enforcement. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $500 – $1000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 1 GPA: N/A Renewable? No Provided By: Out to Protect
Legal Opportunity Scholarship FundApr 6
Target Audience Racial and ethnic minority, first-year students who attend and complete law school. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 5000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: American Bar Association
Edna R. Anthony Memorial ScholarshipApr 15
Target Audience High school senior students, with GPA 2.5 or higher, who attend an historically Black college or university, and major in Criminal Justice, Journalism or Nursing/Healthcare. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: The Women of BECA, Inc.
Ruth D. Peterson Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic DiversityMar 1
Target Audience Students of color, from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented, including but not limited to Latina, Asian, Black, and Indigenous people, admitted to a graduate program of doctoral studies in criminal justice, criminology, or related studies. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 6000 Degree Level: Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 3 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: American Society of Criminology
HAPCOA ScholarshipMar 1
Target Audience Graduate and undergraduate students, with proof of college registration, and assessed on GPA, written essay, extracurricular activities, certificates, honors and awards. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2500 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association
Allen Butler Minority Law Enforcement Scholarship Temporary FundJan 15
Target Audience Students of color, including African Americans, Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics, Duluth MN residents for 3 years, graduates of the Duluth Public Schools or GED in Duluth, who plan to continue education in the field of law enforcement. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 500 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
Marathon Diversity Excellence ScholarshipApr 1
Target Audience Full-time, ethnic, minority, and underrepresented minority, (African American, Hispanic American or Native American,) students with 3.2 GPA, who major in law enforcement, or homeland security, with special consideration given to those with financial need. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $500 – 1000 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 5 GPA: 3.2+ Renewable? N Provided By: Tiffin University


Scholarship Deadline
Captain James J. Regan Memorial ScholarshipMar 31
Target Audience Students in the 12th grade, or undergraduates attending an accredited college, who are exploring a future in criminal justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $2,500 Degree Level: Undergraduate & HS Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 2 GPA: N/A Renewable? No Provided By: Learning for Life
Chief Gary R. Cline Memorial ScholarshipMar 31
Target Audience Camden County graduating high school seniors who plan to pursue a career in criminal justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $1,500 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 1 GPA: N/A Renewable? No Provided By: Camden County Hero Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Sheryl A. Horak Law Enforcement Explorer Memorial ScholarshipMar 31
Target Audience High school seniors who are exploring a future in criminal justice, or law enforcement. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: Varies GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Learning for Life
Brian Terry Foundation ScholarshipMay 31
Target Audience High school seniors attending college, or accepted into college, who plan to study criminal justice or a related field. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: Varies GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: The Brian Terry Foundation
My Alarm Center Student ScholarshipsJuly 1
Target Audience High school and undergraduate students who are studying criminal justice, in areas such as law, law enforcement, or a related field. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Undergraduate & HS Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 3 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: My Alarm Center
Alphonso Deal Scholarship AwardMay 17
Target Audience High school seniors of good character, who are U.S. citizens, and have been accepted in a college or university to study law enforcement, or other courses in criminal justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 500 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: Varies GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: National Black Police Association
Irlet Anderson ScholarshipApr 15
Target Audience Graduating U.S. high school seniors (in financial need,) accepted into an accredited academic school to study social sciences, forensic, investigation, and technology, or other criminal investigative studies, who plan for a career in the law enforcement, or criminal justice fields, to become law enforcement officers, Special Agents or other related positions. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2500 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.8+ Renewable? N Provided By: National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
Charles Fonseca ScholarshipApr 15
Target Audience Graduating U.S. high school seniors (in financial need,) accepted into an accredited academic school to study social sciences, forensic investigation, and technology, or other criminal investigative studies, who plan for a career in the law enforcement, or criminal justice fields, to become law enforcement officers, Special Agents or other related positions. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2000 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.8+ Renewable? N Provided By: National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
Bernard and Sylvia Davis Thompson ScholarshipApr 15
Target Audience Graduating U.S. high school seniors (in financial need,) accepted into an accredited academic school to study social sciences, forensic, investigation, and technology, or other criminal investigative studies, who plan for a career in the law enforcement, or criminal justice fields, to become law enforcement officers, Special Agents or other related positions. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1500 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.8+ Renewable? N Provided By: National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives

Location Specific

Scholarship Deadline
COAG ScholarshipMar 31
Target Audience High school seniors, who are U.S. citizens, live in the state of Georgia or are enrolled in an accredited school in Georgia. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $1,000 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 4 GPA: N/A Renewable? No Provided By: Constitutional Officers Association of Georgia
Lincoln Legal Professionals Association ScholarshipMar 18
Target Audience Nebraska high school, new and returning college students, with a 3.0 GPA, who plan for education in the legal support field, or to continue formal legal education. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $1,500 Degree Level: Undergraduate & HS Essay Required? Yes # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? No Provided By: Nebraska Legal Professionals Association
Virginia Sheriffs’ ScholarshipMay 1
Target Audience Virginia state residents, who are in high school or undergraduates attending a Virginia college or university, who want to study criminal justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: Undergraduate & HS Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 2 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute
Indiana Sheriffs’ Association ScholarshipN/A
Target Audience Indiana residents, who attend an Indiana college or university, are enrolled as full-time undergraduate students, with a major in law enforcement, who in addition, are Indiana Sheriffs’ Association active affiliate or associate members, or a child or grandchild of an active member. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 750 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? N # of Awards: 40 GPA: Renewable? Y Provided By: Indiana Sheriff’s Association
Wyoming Peace Officers Association ScholarshipJuly 31
Target Audience Wyoming residents, active or retired Wyoming law enforcement officers, who are also active or deceased lifetime members of the Wyoming Peace Officers Association, or their dependents, who major in criminal justice at the University of Wyoming or a Wyoming community college. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $500-$1000 (per year) Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 4 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Wyoming Peace Officers Association
John S. Atwater ScholarshipFeb 1
Target Audience Palm Beach, Florida, Lake Worth high school graduating seniors, who participate in the criminal justice program for 4 years, and pursue a career in criminal justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? N # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties
ALLCOPS Criminal Justice Professional ScholarshipMar 11
Target Audience Students who plan to enroll full-time in a criminal justice program, who live in Allegan County, Michigan. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: Allegan County Community Foundation
North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association Undergraduate Criminal Justice ScholarshipN/A
Target Audience With priority given to children of North Carolina law enforcement officers, North Carolina undergraduate students, who major in criminal justice, at any of UNC’s criminal justice programs. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $1,000 – $2,000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 12 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association
Mike Byrd Science ScholarshipMay 1
Target Audience High school seniors or full-time college students, who are children of law enforcement officers working within in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Monroe County FL, with GPA 2.5 or higher, and who major in biology, chemistry, forensics, pathology, or courses related to crime scene investigation. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? N # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: Police Officer Assistance Trust
William A. Snare Memorial ScholarshipFeb 1
Target Audience California and Nevada undergraduate students, or members of the California State Division International Association for Identification, (CSDIAI) attending an accredited college or university, who seek a career in forensic science. Scholarship Details Award Amount: up to $500 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 0 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: California State Division of the International Association for Identification
Anderson Criminal Justice ScholarshipFeb 12
Target Audience Washington state high school graduating seniors, students, and returning college students, who study criminal justice, with preference to those who plan for a career in law enforcement. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 5000 Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? Y Provided By: Washington State Fair
Bruce C. Bade Scholarship FundMar 10
Target Audience Students who reside in Blackford County IN, and plan to enroll in post-secondary education, toward a career in criminal justice, law, or law-related fields. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Varies Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: Blackford County Community Foundation
Paul Janosky Criminal Justice-Related Majors ScholarshipMay 1
Target Audience High school seniors or full-time college students, who are sons or daughters of sworn law enforcement officers working in Miami-Dade County FL, with GPA 2.5 or higher, and who major in public safety, law, or criminal justice. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: Police Officer Assistance Trust
Roger Castillo Perseverance ScholarshipMay 1
Target Audience Male high school seniors or full-time college students, who are sons of law enforcement officers working in Miami-Dade County FL, with GPA 2.5 or higher. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: Police Officer Assistance Trust
Christopher W. Todd Police Science ScholarshipMay 1
Target Audience High school seniors with a 3.0 GPA, undergraduates, full and part-time college students with GPA 2.5, who are sons or daughters of sworn law enforcement officers working in Miami-Dade County FL, and who major in criminal justice, police science, law, public safety or social services Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: Police Officer Assistance Trust
Riley Burnell Criminal Justice Memorial Scholarship FundJan 15
Target Audience Preference for high school graduate students with 3.0 GPA, who want to attend college for a four-year degree, in Koochiching County MN, and plan for a career in law enforcement, criminal justice or other fields, e.g. corrections officer, conservation officer, probation officer, or border patrol officer. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2500 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
Robert “Bobby” Deckard Jr. Memorial ScholarshipApr 15
Target Audience Graduating students from Highlands High School, San Antonio TX, with 3.0 GPA, who have been active in Police Explorers, FFA, Football or National Honor Society, completed 20 hours of community service, who pursue an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 3.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: SAISD Foundation
Jim & Anna Hyonjoo Lint ScholarshipJuly 31
Target Audience Scholars who continue education, and career development in international affairs, counterintelligence and U.S. national security, with encouragement to those employed in those fields, and their children, with the goal of improving U.S. national security and global understanding. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1500 Degree Level: Graduate & Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: The Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc
Harold Johnson Law Enforcement ScholarshipFeb 20
Target Audience U.S. high school senior, undergraduate, and graduate students, from San Francisco Bay area, with 2.5 GPA, who plan to enroll, or are enrolled, in a 2 or 4 college, university, or police academy, as a full-time student, and plan to pursue a career in police work, corrections or other criminal justice fields. Scholarship Details Award Amount: Up to $5,000 Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 43472 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Phoenix ScholarshipMar 1
Target Audience High school or college students with 2.5 GPA, who are current members, children, or stepchildren of a member of the Iowa Association of Women Police (IaAWP), who plan to enroll, or are enrolled in an undergraduate program, vocational or technical institution. Scholarship Details Award Amount: $500 – $1,000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 43500 GPA: 2.0+ Renewable? N Provided By: Iowa Association of Women Police
Oregon Association Chiefs of Police College Scholarship ProgramDec 31
Target Audience Students with 2.5 GPA, enrolled in an accredited institution, for criminal justice or related programs, who plan to enter, or are in law enforcement, or other criminal justice careers, and also those who are seeking a promotion or career advancement, with preference to dependents of Oregon Association Chiefs of Police (OACP) members, and family members of Oregon police officers killed or disabled in the line of duty. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: High School Senior, Undergraduate & Graduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 43469 GPA: 2.5+ Renewable? N Provided By: Oregon Association Chiefs of Police
Harris Y. Cotton Memorial ScholarshipJune 15
Target Audience New Jersey students accepted to law school, who want to pursue a career as a prosecutor, with emphasis in domestic violence or hate crime prosecutions, and demonstrates financial need. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 2500 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: County Prosecutors Association of the State of New Jersey
John R. Shell Memorial ScholarshipFeb 15
Target Audience Junior or senior undergraduate students, with financial need, who reside in Wyoming, major in criminal justice, and plan for a career in law enforcement. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1500 Degree Level: Undergraduate, Junior or senior majoring in the Criminal Justice with aspirations to be in law enforcemen Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: Renewable? N Provided By: University of Wyoming
Vic Reuschlein ScholarshipMar 31
Target Audience Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, or West Virginia, full or part-time students, with 2.0 GPA, enrolled in criminal justice or criminology, who attend church on a regular basis, and do not abuse drugs, or have a criminal record. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 1000 Degree Level: Undergraduate Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.0+ Renewable? Y Provided By: Allegany College of Maryland
Daren Fitzpatrick Criminal Justice ScholarshipMar 15
Target Audience Graduates of Monument Mountain Regional High School, or neighboring Pittsfield, MA high schools, who demonstrate commitment to pursuing a criminal justice degree at Berkshire Community College. Scholarship Details Award Amount: 500 Degree Level: High School Senior Essay Required? Y # of Awards: 1 GPA: 2.75+ Renewable? N Provided By: Berkshire Community College

Where to Find Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships

Scholarships, fellowships, and grants can come from government agencies, private organizations, or the colleges themselves. These types of financial assistance don’t have to be repaid. They’re awarded based on set criteria.

Grants are typically awarded based on need. Fellowships are merit based and are typically awarded in exchange for work of some type, such as teaching classes or conducting research. Scholarships may awarded based on need or merit, or both.

You can search for scholarships, grants, and fellowships online. Try searching based on your demographic or geographic area. For example, if you live in Illinois and plan to attend a college in state, you might search for “scholarships for students in Illinois.”

Criminal justice organizations are also a good potential resource for students who choose to pursue a career in this field. For example, the American Criminal Justice Association (ACJA) offers a competitive scholarship program for students studying in the field.

It’s also a good idea to contact the admissions office at the college you want to attend. A student financial services advisor can explain the school’s financial aid policies and guidelines. They can help you determine what type of aid is available and what assistance you may qualify for. While you’re at it, contact the school’s criminal justice program directly to inquire about any department-specific financial assistance they might offer.

How to Win Scholarships


Searching and applying for college scholarships takes time and thought. Here are a few tips for increasing your chances of getting assistance.

  • Improve Your Odds
    • Try starting in your hometown. Many local associations and organizations offer scholarships to residents and your odds of winning one of these is much better than your chance of winning a national award.
    • Apply for small scholarships. There’s less competition for them, but they can help you pay for books, supplies, lab fees, or other expenses.
    • Stand out. Scholarships that take significant effort, such as those that require an essay, video, or portfolio, typically have fewer applicants. That gives you a greater chance of being selected, especially if you create a good product.
  • Meet Every Requirement
    • Don’t let your application be disqualified because of a careless error or oversight. Make sure you provide all the information requested.
    • More is not always better. If the essay has a word limit, be sure to stick to it. Providing too much information can be enough to eliminate your application from consideration.
  • Write Winning Essays and Resumes
    • Be original and let your personality show through your essay and resume. Frame your knowledge and experiences in a way that presents the impression you want to make. Set yourself apart by highlighting aspects that are uniquely you.
    • Don’t turn in an essay that has spelling or grammar mistakes. Because it’s very hard to proof your own work, ask someone to proofread it for you.
  • Give Yourself More Chances
    • Apply for as many scholarships as you can. Set aside time every week to search and apply for scholarships. Think of it as a part-time job.
    • Don’t wait until the last minute. It would be awful to do all that work on an application and then not be able to submit it because of an unexpected technical problem.

Grants and Fellowships for Criminal Justice Students

Grants and fellowships provide money that can be used to help pay for tuition, textbooks, fees, and other college expenses. Each has its own guidelines and eligibility requirements. Pay attention to dates for each school you’re interested in applying to because they vary and it’s critical that you file your application before the deadline.

Potential sources of grant money include the government (federal, state, or local), colleges you’re interested in attending, nonprofits, and private organizations.

Grants typically have needs-based criteria such as family income. Most of them, like the federal Pell Grant program, are administered through the government. You can apply for a government grant using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.

State-funded grants typically go to students attending college in that state. Be aware that some states have early deadlines for grant eligibility and if an application is late they may not have the funds available to award a financial aid package.

Grants may be also be awarded based on a variety of criteria including ethnicity, religion, geographic region, career field, or specific talents. Ask about how award decisions are made. Understanding the methodology can help you prepare a better application.

A fellowship also provides funds that don’t have to be paid back, but they typically come with some type of defined research, work, or service commitment.  While some fellowships are available for undergraduate students, most of them go to graduate students and are usually very competitive. If you are an exceptional student with an idea for original research in the criminal justice field, you will have a better chance of winning a fellowship.

Often the best place to start looking for a fellowship is within the criminal justice department at your school. Your professors and advisors may have connections and insights into fellowship opportunities that are not broadly advertised. The financial aid office should also be able to guide you in your search.

Finding and applying for grants and fellowships takes time and effort, but it’s worth it, especially if it means the difference between being able to attend college or not.

How to Win Grants and Fellowships


There’s a lot of competition for grants and fellowships, but you may be able to improve your chances of getting one by following some simple suggestions.

  • Control the Things You Can
    • Many aspects of the process are out of your control so it’s important that you control the things you can, such as submitting applications as early as possible and making sure you follow instructions carefully.
  • Do Community Service
    • Colleges want well-rounded individuals so extracurricular activities, particularly service-oriented projects, may increase your chance of being selected.
  • Write an Effective Essay
    • Organize your thoughts before you begin and create an outline that covers every item required in the instructions. Use clear, concise language, but let your personality come through. Explain your strengths and accomplishments without bragging. Highlight those aspects that are unique to you. Make sure there are no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors and have someone with good editing skills proofread for you.
  • Do Your Research
    • Search the web for grants and fellowships in your field of study and look for any opportunities specific to your geographic area. Talk to financial aid advisors at colleges you’re interested in attending.
    • Understand that the people who read applications probably review dozens of them in one sitting so make it easy for them to choose yours.
  • It’s All About You
    • Your primary task is to demonstrate why the selection committee should choose you. Your application package should clearly show them how you’re qualified and why you deserve the award. Let them know how you’ll use the skills you develop during your college education.

You aren’t going to get every scholarship, grant, or fellowship you apply for, so don’t get discouraged or give up. As in most things in life, persistence pays. Good luck!